
Crossword 1: Classic car general knowledge


We’ve put together a fiendishly tricky car-themed crossword to test the knowledge of the most hardened classic car enthusiast.

It’s a difficult puzzle, so for anybody who gets 20/20 questions correct, we’ll add your name to the honour roll in our next newsletter!

Make sure you send us your answers through email or post it to us. You can find more details below.

Good luck!


Fill in the crossword:

To enter your answer, simply click on the first letter of the word you want to fill in, type your answer and click ‘Enter’.

A green tick will appear next to the clue if you’ve answered correctly and a red ‘x’ will appear if you haven’t.

For answers with more than one word, (e.g., ‘Classic Car’) simply omit the space when typing in your answer (e.g., ‘ClassicCar’).


Are you a winner?

If you’ve got all 20 questions right, we want to hear from you!

To send us your crossword, either:

  1. Print-screen your completed crossword and email the image to us at marketing@heritagecarinsurance.co.uk 
  2. Print your crossword out and post it to us at:

Marketing dept.,
Norton Insurance Brokers,
4 Vicarage Road,
B15 3ES


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Want to try another?

If you want to have another go at a classic car-themed crossword, try Crossword 2: Classic cars of the ’60s.