
Customer Stories pt. 8: The Ford RS scene

Customer Stories

Name: Kevin Cannon

The classic: Ford MKII RS 2000

When you’re out on the road and people point at the car as you’re driving around – it’s a feeling like no other. People even take photographs and wave as I drive past. You just don’t get that with modern cars. It’s great speaking to people too. Whenever you pull up somewhere, people always say the same thing: ‘oh, my dad used to own one of those,’ or, ‘my family used to own one’. It brings back lots of memories for lots of people, seeing classic cars on the road, and that’s something which I think will always be special.

Kevin has owned his 1980 Signal Yellow MKII RS 2000 since 2008. ‘I first saw the MKII when I was at a classic show in Pickering,’ he recalls. ‘At that point, I’d just sold my Series II, so I was part of the RS Owners’ Club but had no car! I’d been part of the club for about 35 years at that point, so I was looking for something else.

‘I remember first seeing the MKII; it was bright yellow and in fantastic condition. The owner told me that the yellow colour was too bright for him but I loved it, so I told him I was interested, and it was soon mine! He actually brought it down to me from Cumbria. It hardly needed any work needing doing to it at all aside from a few cosmetic bits – I was very lucky.’

Kevin Cannon photo for customer stories
Kevin Cannon, the proud owner of a Ford MKII RS 2000

Kevin’s love for Fords has been going strong since he bought his first RS 2000 back in 1984. Although he no longer owns that particular classic, he’s been an enthusiastic member of the RS scene ever since, even becoming Chairman and President of the RS Owners’ Club. ‘I remember my first ever RS very well,’ he recalls. ‘I was driving past a forecourt and saw part of this car and it just struck me how great it looked. It’s just in my blood now; I’ve actually only ever owned RS cars since then!’


Photo of yellow Ford MKII RS 2000
The photo of the MKII as seen in Ian Cook’s live drawing

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What is it about the Ford RS models that you love so much?

‘I’ve always enjoyed classic cars, even since I was a youngster,’ Kevin ponders. ‘My brother used to own one, and I was always a Ford man. All my cars are Fords – even my second car is a Ford Mondeo. I do remember seeing Fords on the RAC Rally; it was around the same time that I’d bought the RS. I used to follow rally driving a lot, so I think subconsciously that may have had something to do with why I love Fords so much today. I’ve even got a tattoo of my car on my arm!’

When we ask about his family’s involvement in his classics, Kevin tells us that he has three daughters between the ages 21 to 30. ‘Although they’ve all been in the car, I don’t think my daughters are particularly passionate about classics in the same way I am,’ Kevin tells us. ‘Despite that, it will definitely stay in the family – whether they’ll drive it or not, I don’t know!

‘I did take my youngest daughter to her prom in the car about four years ago – that was really wonderful,’ Kevin recalls. ‘I also did that again in 2021 for some strangers who spoke to me at a local show; they asked me if I’d take their son to his prom and I said yes! It’s just such a beautiful car, and it goes to show that something like this can be enjoyed across multiple generations.’


How important are car clubs to your classic car experience?

Being so heavily involved in the car club world, Kevin is a strong advocate for the classic Ford community. ‘I’ve been a proud member of the RSOC for 35 years now,’ he tells us. ‘Being part of this community means a lot to me, being side-by-side with like-minded people and having a shared interest in Fords. In 1992, I set up a local RS group here in Nottingham, and I’m currently the Chairman of that group again now, so I’ve come full circle in a way. It’s not too time-consuming, either: we meet up once a month, and this year we’ll be celebrating our 30th anniversary which is a very exciting time. We’re even looking to put on our own show. I’m sure it’ll turn out well, we’ve got enough experience between us!’

Yellow Ford MKII RS 2000
The stunning colour that Kevin fell in love with

In the past, Kevin regularly entered his RS into car club competitions with the RSOC. ‘The last time I entered it into a competition was 2010,’ he recalls. ‘It won the gold cup among the other cars in my class, but I don’t tend to enter it into any competitions anymore. Instead, I attend lots of shows up and down the country, whether its classic car shows in general or specifically RS Club events.’


Do you have a favourite era of classic car?

‘For me it’d be the late ‘70s to early ‘80s,’ Kevin says. ‘That’s my era, really. Back in the day, rallies were on mainstream TV quite a lot, although you don’t get them on TV as much anymore.

‘When it comes to preserving classics from that era, I think I’d potentially put my car down as concours, although I drive it all the time. I take it out at least once a week around summertime, although not so much in the winter. It certainly pays to keep classics nice and warm!

‘I have the utmost respect for people who keep their cars concours and take them to shows on a trailer, but I certainly like to drive mine – I think cars should be used. That’s what they were built for!’

Do you have a favourite memory of the car?

When we ask Kevin about his favourite memory, he can’t decide. ‘I don’t know really,’ he laughs, ‘I just like driving it! When you’re out on the road and people point at the car as you’re driving around – it’s a feeling like no other. People even take photographs and wave as I drive past. You just don’t get that with modern cars. It’s great speaking to people too; whenever you pull up somewhere, people always say the same thing: ‘oh, my dad used to own one of those,’ or, ‘my family used to own one’. It brings back lots of memories for lots of people, seeing classic cars on the road, and that’s something which I think will always be special.’

Yellow Ford MKII RS 2000 drawing by Ian Cook @POPBANGCOLOUR
Ian Cook’s drawing of Kevin’s Ford MKII RS 2000

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